(ACNS) Anglican Communion Secretary General: “Fullness of faith can only be expressed together”

In his opening speech to the 15th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC), the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion celebrated the depth, richness and variety of the worldwide Anglican family.
Speaking at the first plenary session of ACC15, the Canon Kenneth Kearon told delegates assembled in Auckland’s Holy Trinity Cathedral, that Anglicanism at its best “reaches out to those with whom we differ, recognising that together we will come to a deeper and far richer understanding of God than any of us could do on our own or if we only share the company of like-minded people.”
“Each of us will, I hope, bring of our best to this meeting, but what each of us brings will at best represent an incomplete apprehension of the gospel of God; the fullness of our faith will only be expressed when together with our fellow Christians we seek to ”˜give an account of the faith that is in us’ (1 Peter 3:15).

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * International News & Commentary, Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, Anglican Consultative Council, Anglican Provinces, Australia / NZ

9 comments on “(ACNS) Anglican Communion Secretary General: “Fullness of faith can only be expressed together”

  1. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Rubbish – fullness of faith can only be found in following Christ, and He has given us his Word to follow and the Holy Spirit to guide us.

    Now there my be other reasons for being together, but Kearon has been reading too much Druid-droppings.

  2. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    “reaches out to those with whom we differ”

    Can there have been a more disgusting sight that of the Druid sharing a platform with the wicked witch of the West? I can’t describe my view of Rowan without extreme Anglo-Saxon profanity.

  3. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    Still, while the Druid has been busy enabling the unholy cow, it appears that some faithful Primates have been doing something useful with their time:
    [blockquote]We were also reminded of the need for prayer for those who will gather in Auckland, New Zealand, for the meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council. In particular we prayed that they will avoid compromise and have the courage to declare boldly the Gospel of Jesus Christ that is good news for all people at all times and in all cultures.[/blockquote]
    Bravo, at least someone gets what it is about, even if Williams and Kearon are clueless.

    Nature abhors a vacuum.

  4. Marie Blocher says:

    But what is expressed when we get together if the faith that is in him is extremely different from the faith that is in me?

  5. MichaelA says:

    Exactly, Marie.

    Although its not getting much press, I am told that at least some of the African bishops visiting Auckland refused to take communion because K J Schori was present.

    Now that truly is a great witness, with the power to win hearts and souls to the Lord.

  6. Br. Michael says:

    We have seen toleration and inclusiveness of TEC to what was once the norm of traditional orthodoxy. They have been driven out and purged. Spare me the lies.

  7. BlueOntario says:

    I can’t help but feel this is a code phrase for distributing their poison.

  8. Pageantmaster Ù† says:

    #7 Blue Ontario
    Exactly – consider the phrase

    “reaches out to those with whom we differ”

    That is exactly what the Presiding Bishop was telling General Convention to do, even as her henchmen were arranging for the 9 bishops to receive letters of reconciliation with extreme prejudice:
    [blockquote]Link up with somebody from another part of the theological spectrum – this big tent is the dwelling place of the holy, and we will never be who we were created to be if we only work with the fingers of the right hand or the left. Search out those you have wounded or who have wounded you – seek them out and let the grudges go – there isn’t much life in hanging on to them. It’s like that old tale about swallowing rat poison and expecting somebody else to die. Go find the supposed source of wounds and build a bridge together – notice the blood that’s been shed, and let it form a good scab to draw flesh together. Continue to pick at the wound and it will never heal. Let it go and keep breathing.

    If this convention is The Episcopal Church’s family reunion, then go find somebody who represents the outlaw side of the family for you and spend a few minutes learning your relative’s story. You might promise to pray for each other through the coming days. Perhaps you can find time for a cup of coffee or a meal together. That kind of reconciling work will have a greater effect on our readiness for mission than any legislation we may pass here. We’re here to tune up the muscles and nerves and ligaments of this body for reconciling work, for the work of mission writ large. We’re going to need the gifts of every single part of the body in order to respond to that breath/wind/spirit blowing over the face of the deep – so go and build some living bridges. [/blockquote]

    Well, we all know what is meant by the Presiding Bishop when she “reaches out to those with whom we differ” with ‘reconciliation’ and ‘conciliation’:

    Looks like Kearon and Jefferts Schori are both reading from the same rather dishonest script.

  9. Cennydd13 says:

    “Reaches out to those with whom we differ?” But what she [b]didn’t[/b] say was [b]”and try to convince them that we’re right and they’re wrong.”[/b]